1000 hours outside challenge – how to “win”

In a world that’s increasingly driven by technology and indoor activities, a movement has emerged to reconnect with nature and reap the countless benefits of spending time outdoors. The “1000 Hours Outside Challenge” is a call to embrace the natural world, encouraging individuals and families to accumulate a total of 1000 hours of outdoor time over a year. It’s not just a challenge; it’s a lifestyle shift that can transform how we live and thrive.

The Challenge: What is 1000 Hours Outside?

The 1000 Hours Outside Challenge is an initiative that encourages people of all ages to prioritize outdoor activities and create lasting memories in nature. The concept is simple: aim to spend 1000 hours outside in a year. This goal is both inspiring and achievable, as it breaks down to approximately 2.7 hours a day, or around 19 hours a week.

Why Take the 1000 Hours Outside Challenge?

There are many benefits of being outside. The following are just the main ones.

1. Improved Physical Health

Spending time outdoors can have a profound impact on physical health. Whether hiking, biking, playing sports, or simply walking, outdoor activities provide an opportunity to get moving and stay active. Regular physical activity can lead to improved cardiovascular health, increased muscle strength, and better overall fitness.

2. Enhanced Mental Well-being

Nature has a soothing effect on the mind. Taking the 1000 Hours Outside Challenge can help reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. The peace and tranquility of the natural world offer a respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life, allowing you to recharge and rejuvenate.

Getting outside can be a great way to improve your child’s sleep, like my son with night terrors.

3. Connection with Nature

Many people have become disconnected from the natural world in an era dominated by screens and technology. The challenge encourages participants to explore forests, parks, beaches, and other natural settings. It fosters a deep connection with nature and promotes environmental awareness.

4. Family Bonding

The 1000 Hours Outside Challenge is family-friendly, making it an excellent way to strengthen bonds with loved ones. Shared outdoor activities provide opportunities for quality family time, creating cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

5. Skill Development

Engaging in outdoor activities can help individuals acquire new skills. Whether it’s learning to camp, fish, navigate a trail, or identify local flora and fauna, the challenge can be an educational journey filled with opportunities for personal growth.

How to Get Started

Taking on the 1000 Hours Outside Challenge requires commitment and a plan. Here’s how to get started:

1. Set Clear Goals

Begin by setting specific goals for your outdoor time. Break down the 1000 hours into manageable chunks, such as weekly or monthly targets. Having clear objectives will keep you motivated and on track.

2. Keep a Journal

Consider maintaining a journal to track your outdoor hours and experiences. Document your adventures, observations, and reflections. It’s a great way to capture memories and monitor your progress.

You can also create a challenge at Motivation Advisor and track it online.

3. Create a Schedule

Incorporate outdoor activities into your daily or weekly schedule. Consistency is key to reaching your goal, whether it’s a morning hike, an afternoon picnic, or an evening stargazing session.

4. Embrace All Seasons

Don’t limit yourself to fair-weather outings. Each season offers unique outdoor experiences. From snowshoeing in winter to wildflower hikes in spring, there’s something to enjoy year-round.

5. Explore New Places

Use the challenge as an opportunity to explore new outdoor destinations. Visit local parks, nature reserves, and wilderness areas. You’ll be amazed at the hidden gems waiting to be discovered in your area.

Tips for Success

Here are some tips to help you succeed in the 1000 Hours Outside Challenge:

1. Unplug

Leave your electronic devices behind or use them sparingly while outdoors. Embrace the opportunity to disconnect from screens and immerse yourself fully in nature.

2. Dress for the Occasion

Wear appropriate clothing and gear for your outdoor activities. Dressing comfortably and according to the weather conditions will enhance your experience.

3. Stay Safe

Prioritize safety during your outdoor adventures. Inform someone of your plans, carry necessary supplies, and be aware of your surroundings.

4. Get Creative

Mix up your outdoor activities to keep things exciting. Try birdwatching, geocaching, or nature photography to add variety to your outdoor hours. You can use technology to improve the outside experience, however, it should be just a tool, not the focus.

5. Share Your Journey

Join online communities or social media groups dedicated to the 1000 Hours Outside Challenge. Sharing your experiences and progress can provide motivation and inspire others to join the movement.

6. Educate

Take advantage of being outside and teach your children about the leave no trace principle. If you run into an area that has trash on the ground, it can be an excellent opportunity to teach the impacts of littering or the reduce, reuse and recycle principle.

How to Spend 1000 Hours Outside? Here Are Some Ideas:

  • Go to the local park(s)
  • Playground
  • Nature walks
  • Walk the dog
  • Volunteer
  • Create a playgroup
  • Sports
  • Build a fort
  • Learn survival skills


The 1000 Hours Outside Challenge is more than just a goal; it’s a transformative journey that can enrich your life in countless ways. By prioritizing outdoor time, you can improve your physical and mental well-being, connect with nature, strengthen family bonds, and acquire new skills. So, take the plunge, embrace the outdoors, and embark on a year-long adventure that will leave you with lasting memories and a deep appreciation for the natural world. Your 1000 hours outside await—get started today!

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