After giving birth using Hypnobabies

Hypnobabies – after giving birth to two babies

My second child turned one this summer. I cannot believe how quickly that went. They say “don’t blink” and that “time flies” when you have children, and “they” say that for a reason. The days are long but the years are short. And so it feels timely that as his mother I would reflect on this past year, and the beginning of it all – how he came into the world. 

Let me tell you that looking back on it all I am so grateful for a massive aspect of my journey to becoming a mother, the Hypnobabies program. Not only did it help to educate me and my birth partner in all that we would experience, but it gave us the information we needed to make informed choices about the birth that was right for our family. Hypnobabies was instrumental in me having a confident birth experience and allowing me to feel empowered as a woman and new mother.

Hypnobabies Journey

Let’s explore an even earlier beginning, shall we? My journey with Hypnobabies from the very start. I was fortunate enough to stumble upon Hypnobabies thanks to my sister. Having two children prior to me, she knew all that would be helpful to pass along to an expectant mother. I am very fortunate that she was more than willing to guide me on the path of pregnancy and birth. She even took me Postpartum shopping before my firstborn arrived to make sure that I was prepared. It was one of the best things anyone has ever done for me, and I hope that all women have someone in their corner like that. 

Let’s be honest, prior to really becoming a pregnant person I had joked about my own “give me the drugs” moment. It wasn’t until I was actually on my journey towards having a child that I learned more and became an informed consumer. I started to see the benefits of a natural birth. I didn’t realize how the medication could affect an infant. I didn’t realize a lot of things. With the help of the Hypnobabies in-person class I was able to find confidence in my choices, and peace around an event that I was *ahem* very nervous about. Hypnobabies gave me the affirmations that I needed to have a dream birth. 

First Birth

With my first born son I almost didn’t even make it to the birthplace in time. I was not timing my contractions correctly… because I wasn’t truly sensing the beginning of them, that is how calm I was. Needless to say that when our calculations were all off we were told that it wasn’t time to come in yet. We finally left the house when I was feeling the urge to push. I put on my headphones and dove into my Hypnobabies tracks. We headed to the hospital

Having the Hypnobabies tracks playing in my ear was incredibly helpful in my process. Hearing a calming voice, offering in the moment mindsets was crucial. The Joyful Affirmations that I had listened to daily all came to me. They were like a calm friend reminding me how strong I was, that I could do this, and that soon I would have the chance to meet my little one.

After a race to the hospital, a quick check and confirmation that yes, I was 9 and 3/4 dilated upon arrival, we were taken to our birthing room and it was time to fill up the tub (which unfortunately had an issue with the water connection, but fortunately still was full enough in time). It was a beautiful birth experience. I was able to get in the tub (even though I was GBS+), knelt forward and let my baby descend the way he needed to.

I remember trusting the process, and telling myself that my body knows exactly what to do. It was only after I pushed his head out, reached out and felt his body turn that I let the team know… they hurried to get the midwife in that moment. I was smiling, knowing that I was moments from meeting my sweet babe. An encouragement to help him out with a push and out he came, lifting him out of the water, and onto my chest. He was mine. My beautiful boy, with a head full of sweet hair the color of his father’s. I was instantly in love and wanted to do everything right by him from that moment forward. 

Second Birth

After six amazing years together and I was about to make my firstborn a big brother. This sweet and supportive boy couldn’t wait to have a playmate, someone to talk dinosaurs and legos, and a best friend. I didn’t realize it at the time, but Hypnobabies would be even more crucial for this second birth. A birth that I was preparing for by visualizing a peaceful, confident, and beautiful water birth. I had done it before, I knew I could do it again. I was looking forward to getting in the water and meeting my second. Unfortunately we had a change of plans. Fortunately, I had Hypnobabies.

We arrived to the hospital while it was under lockdown, but they were gracious enough to let a pregnant woman in. In the triage room I was told that my blood pressure was very high. The general medication to bring it down didn’t work. I needed magnesium sulfate. This meant that I could no longer have my water birth. I cried. I cried, but then I knew I needed to tap into my Hypnobaby affirmations. I knew that being disappointed about how I had envisioned giving birth would not propel me forward to what I would accomplish next.

I knew that I could be flexible and make an informed choice about the next phase. I decided that I would rest with my arms raised, leaning forward while standing. I continued to listen to the tracks and set my mindset on positivity in spite of what had transpired. After a while on the medication, I could no longer stand. I needed to lay down. I labored in the bed, on my back. I knew that this was not the most ideal position for birth,

I knew that this position has become the standard that we think of in birth because it is typically most convenient for the provider and not for the birthing mother. In the end it was my choice and I had found the most comfortable position possible. My midwife checked my progress, and when she did I was perfectly dilated and she broke my water, with the gentlest touch. Everything happened very quickly at that point. So quickly there was no time to record a video of our precious sweet son entering this world. Using my voice, my deep breathing and hypnoanesthesgia I pushed out my new baby.

In my Hypnobabies practice, I had only ever told myself that I could do it. I was very fortunate to have a birthing team that supported my vision of a natural birth, a peaceful birth. The staff were stunned and could not believe how well I did. Even that OB who had to assist with my medication and was not initially part of my birth team had to double check with the midwife that I was human. 

Although I so wanted to have the warm and peaceful water birth, I am so glad that I had Hypnobabies as my foundation. It’s principles and guidance caught me when I didn’t know what I would do next. If you ever get the chance to give it a try, I highly recommend it. Becoming a mom has been the most empowering thing in my life. It has changed me forever and I have Hypnobabies to thank.