Mother's Day

To All the Mamas!

A very Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mommy’s out there!

Thank you for being here, and for taking the time to read this blog. We truly appreciate you, because you are the reason that we do what we do!

And let us just say…

You are a F A N T A S T I C Mom!

This is one of the toughest jobs out there. The hours are long, and at times it can feel quite thankless. You carried this tiny person inside of you, brought life into this world (which was no small feat) and the thanks you receive are seemingly endless nights of sleep deprivation and scratches from those nails that grow way too fast!

Or maybe your baby is ready to graduate from high school, or get married this summer, or have a child of their own; and this is the first time you’ve heard them say “thanks” in quite awhile. No matter where you are at in your journey as a Mom – this post is for you, for All. The. Moms.

We hope that you had a wonderful mother’s day. But perhaps your baby was not be able to tell you just how much they love you on this special day. You might get a smile or a laugh. Perhaps a little twinkle in their eye that gives away the fact that you are one of the most important people in their life. Whether you are a brand new mama, or you have been around the block a time or two, the following letter is for you.

Every child wants their Mom to know…

From the moment I was born

you were there. There to hold me and love me. When our gazes met I knew who you were. Oh, and those first kisses, the ones you gave me tenderly right on my forehead, they were the best. The bond we share is unlike any other. For that I will always be grateful. I know I wasn’t able to truly understand what it was really like, when I woke you in middle of the night to feed me, change me, or to calm me. But I’m glad you were there. I’m sorry for screaming the way I did.

I’m glad I have you, because no one on this earth knows me like you do. You’ve known me since before I even took my first breath. You started making plans even then to help me learn and grow. And it is your gentle touch, your smile, and your voice that reassure me in difficult times. 

From my first smile

to the first time I hugged you back. From the times that you helped me sit up to the day I was able to say “ma ma”. I may not remember, but you’ve been there for it all. Your tears of joy, countless bedtime stories, dancing in the kitchen and singing in the car have been some of my favorites.

I know that there are tough days, days that you have needed to take a break. Days that it felt like you didn’t know what you were doing or you worried that you were messing it up. You weren’t. I know that each and every day you made the best choices you could, to raise me to be the best I can be. Thank you for sticking with it, for believing in yourself, for believing in me, and pulling through.

I hope that you remember

the sweet moments we share, the moments from my childhood. For it is those moments that have shaped who I am today, and the person I will be in the future.

I love you Mom

for all that you have done for me and all that you will continue to do. I love you for the endless sacrifices you have made. For putting me first, even when you really needed a nap. I want you to know that I see you Mom. I see that you are strong, brave, and fierce. You are my rockstar, and without you I simply couldn’t be me. Happy Mother’s Day!


Your Baby

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