Public Breastfeeding – A Partner’s Role

Public Breastfeeding – A Partner’s Role

Public breastfeeding has become a hot topic for parents who are thinking about or are currently breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is important for a child’s health. Support from fathers is a major factor affecting breastfeeding success. It is established that women who have strong social support from their partner are more likely to initiate and continue breastfeeding. …

Breastfeeding: Beginning the Journey
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Breastfeeding: Beginning the Journey

This topic is near and dear to my heart, breastfeeding. The information in this post goes out to all the brave breastfeeders, breastfeeders-to-be, and breastfeeding supporters out there.  From the beginning of my breastfeeding journey with my son I’ve been fortunate enough to have a little bit of knowledge from taking a class and reading…