Which is Better: Double Stroller vs Wagon?

When it comes to transporting kids, there are two main options: double stroller vs wagon. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, so deciding which one is the better option for your family will depend on your individual needs.

Being a parent is no easy job. One thing that makes it even harder is figuring out how to transport your kids without losing your mind. While there are many options on the market, double strollers and stroller wagons are the most popular. But which one is better suited for you and your little ones? Now let’s dive into the showdown, Double Stroller vs Wagon; which will win?

Double strollers

Double strollers are great for day trips or running errands as they’re lightweight and easy to maneuver in tight spaces – perfect for navigating crowded malls and city streets. They also offer great protection from the elements, with many models including a sun canopy and weather guard. The main drawback of double strollers is that they can be bulky when folded, making them difficult to transport if you don’t have a lot of space in your vehicle.

A double stroller would be essential if you have two children with a small age gap. Smaller children cannot keep up with the walking pace that older children can. A double stroller could also be useful if you have a toddler or preschooler and are expecting a new baby. A double stroller allows you to carry both children comfortably and safely in one stroller. It is advisable to have a stroller with the option of a car seat and stroller combination for such situations.


On the other hand, wagons are great for larger families or parents who need to transport more than two children. Unlike double strollers, wagons are roomy enough to fit multiple kids and all the extra gear that comes with a trip out of the house. They’re also great for transporting groceries, sports equipment, and other large items – perfect for trips to the beach or soccer practice. The downside of wagons is that they can be difficult to steer and don’t offer the same protection from the elements as double strollers.

Wagons are great for multiple kids of all ages. A wagon can handle it all, whether you have a newborn and a toddler or two preschoolers. One of the biggest advantages of a wagon is that your kids can sit comfortably facing each other, which can make for a more enjoyable ride. Additionally, wagons usually have ample storage space and can be used beyond the baby years for beach trips, picnics, and more. However, wagons don’t offer the same level of protection as a double stroller. There are no straps or buckles, so if you have a child who likes to climb, you might have to chase after them constantly.

Our favorite wagon stroller so far has been the Wonderfold Wagon. Read our review about the Wonderfold wagon stroller.

Double Stroller vs Wagon

When it comes to selecting a kid’s wagon stroller or toddler wagon stroller, there are many factors to consider. Think about how often you plan on using it, what type of terrain you will be traveling on, and how much space you have in your vehicle. Both double strollers and wagons can provide a safe and comfortable way to transport your little ones – it just depends on which one is the best fit for your family’s needs. Lets go into the battle between wagon vs stroller.

Age of children

The age of your children is another important factor. A double stroller may be best for families with a newborn and a toddler, while a stroller wagon may be more suitable for older children who can sit on their own.

HOWEVER, some wagons are for young babies. They can also be great as they lay flat and a great way to have tummy time while on the go (which is how to avoid flat head syndrome.


Another thing to consider is the terrain you will be navigating. A double stroller might be the way to go if you live in a city with smooth sidewalks and paved trails. A wagon might be better if you live in a rural area with bumpy roads and grassy terrain. Wagons have larger wheels and more stability, which makes them easier to push on uneven surfaces.


Events such as parades, concerts, sports games, or festivals are situations where both stroller wagons and double strollers can be useful. A stroller wagon can provide a place for kids to play, while a double stroller can provide comfortable seats for children to sit back and watch the event.

City vs suburb

City vs suburb is another consideration, as a stroller wagon may be more challenging to maneuver in crowded city streets. In contrast, a double stroller may be better for families who enjoy walking or jogging together. Not to say you can not go on walks with a wagon, we do!

Cost / Budget

When it comes to cost, both options can vary greatly. Double strollers and wagons can range from $100 to $1,000, depending on the brand and features. So, it depends on your budget and what features you are looking for.

Winter or cold weather protection

One area where the wagon stroller does come out ahead is during the wintertime. Packing the stroller wagon and nice warm blankets and adding some wind protection is easy. Add a few clips and you can easily create your own.

Orientation / Space

Something we have run into is how our wagon stroller is face-to-face. This means the two boys like to kick each other (well, mainly the little one). This is not a problem with the double strollers as they are generally in their own space.


Both are space hogs. I have never seen any wagons that fold down to fit in a small sedan. Trust me, I tried to get my Wonderfold wagon into my Toyota Corolla but had no luck. Double strollers, however, do vary and some may fit, it will be close.

Wonderfold wagon trunk

If you think that a stroller wagon will fit your family, we have provided some recommendations on the best wagon strollers.


What are the main differences between a double stroller and a wagon stroller?

The biggest difference between a double stroller and a wagon stroller is their respective size and maneuverability. Double strollers are generally smaller, more compact, and easier to transport than wagon strollers. This makes them a great option for trips or errands as they are easier to store and navigate in tight spaces. Wagon strollers, on the other hand, typically offer larger storage space and better balance when carrying two children. This makes them ideal for transporting multiple kids at once while still having enough room to carry groceries or toys.

Which is more comfortable?

Both wagons and double strollers can be comfortable for your kids. Wagons typically have more padding than a double stroller, which may make them more comfortable for long trips. However, if you are looking for something that is easy to maneuver, then a double stroller might be the better option.

Which option is safer?

Safety is always a priority when it comes to both double strollers and wagons. Both types of stroller have safety features that are designed to keep your children safe while you are on the go. However, wagon strollers tend to be more stable due to their larger frame and heavier structure, which makes them ideal for carrying multiple kids at once.

There have been studies on the safety of wagons.

Are strollers or wagons better?

This depends on your needs, as outlined previously.

When would you use a wagon instead of a stroller?

When transporting more than two children, including two children and extra stuff.

Why do people use wagons over strollers?

Just for the extra space they provide.

Both double strollers and wagons offer unique advantages for transporting your kids. Ultimately, your best option will depend on your needs and preferences. Consider the pros and cons of both options before settling on a final decision.

When it comes to choosing between a double stroller or wagon stroller for your family, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. It’s important to weigh the benefits of each and decide which option will best suit your lifestyle. With the right choice, you can ensure your family is comfortable and safe wherever you travel!

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