
Support Your Partner In The Last Trimester

The last trimester is often the hardest for your wife or partner and is when support is the most important.  The little one is getting bigger and heavier which results in the simplest of tasks becoming a battle.

Sometimes it is the smallest things, just in accumulation that helps.  Filling up the car so she doesn’t have to or preparing the go bag for the hospital.  She will appreciate if you are proactive in the preparation for your baby’s birth.  Remember your baby could come early, and you’ll want to be ready!

Examples of Support:

My belief is that it is the goal of the father to support by advocating for being ready to have a baby.  This could mean doing the following:

  1. Help prepare the go bag.  Both of you should be involved in this process.  The partner should know where everything is to make sure getting something out isn’t difficult when pressure is high
  2. Keep the gas tank full in the car that will be going to the hospital. It is also a good idea to service the car so that everything is in working order, tires are pumped up, etc.
  3. Make sure you have everything you need at home for when the baby comes.  For example: diapers, wipes, a place for the baby to sleep, clothes, burp cloths, and other baby essentials.
  4. Have some meals prepared for at least the first few days after arriving home. It can be helpful to freeze ahead of time.  Try services like meal train
  5. Install the car seat, or the car seat base so that it is safe and ready to go. It is also a good idea to get it checked by an expert, some local police or fire stations offer this service.

There are more things you can do for both yourself and your partner to offer support.  Remember to give yourself some time and don’t get burnt out before the baby even comes.  Ask what your partner wants or needs and go from there plus do little extras here and there to really earn some points.

Don’t forget to read how to help after the birth as well, here.

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